Patch Notes 1.0.1


Follow button

The follow button underneath the avatar of each profile page was technically working, but the heart icon was not updating without refreshing the page to provide users an immediate feedback on whether it worked or not.

This has been fixed and the heart icon is filled when a profile is followed, and not filled when unfollowed without having to refresh the page.

What's not to 💖 about this?

Video link error

Adding a YouTube video to a match would result in an error, but the link was being saved.

This was caused by an incorrect redirect url.

This has been rectified.

Matches not recorded against sessions

Users can create matches directly from the session page, but the match wasn't being saved against the session.

This has been fixed too.

Finalise session without price error

The price of a session can be set in two ways:

  1. A default price set at the club level
  2. Overwrite the default club price by setting the price at the session level

It's possible to not set a price at either club or session level.

In this instance, the Profit and Loss statement results in an error because multiplying the number of attendees by nothing is... 🥁... NOTHING!

A quick fix is now applied where the Profit and Loss statement multiplies the attendees by either the price, or if it is null then $0.


A few minor improvements have also been introduced:

  • Match status can now be set to 'incomplete'
    • i.e. for matches that don't go all the way up to 21 points, or when a session has run out of time to fully complete a match
  • Past sessions are ordered by descending date
  • Recent matches are ordered by descending ID
  • Upcoming sessions are ordered by descending date
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